Sara Sturdevant,表演艺术系系主任

A dynamic and beloved member of the 上学校 community for the last two decades, Sara Sturdevant is a teacher that has inspired hundreds of Ellis students with her passion for the arts, 反过来, sparked their creative careers and endeavors after commencement. 她是表演艺术的坚定支持者. Sturdevant导演过, 精心设计的, 上演了, and produced hundreds of Ellis productions and performances over the last 23 years. Her commitment to her craft and can-do attitude energizes and ignites students’ independence and individuality on and off stage as they’re pushed to believe in themselves, 他们的能力, 以及它们的潜力. Whether she’s teaching a cast how to perfect Fosse jazz hands or leading a discussion from the halls of Carnegie Museum of Art, Ms. Sturdevant的热情, 魅力, and dedication to the School and her students is evident in everything she does.
标题:Performing Arts Department Chair, 上学校 Visual Arts Teacher
教育:B.A. 辛辛那提大学人类学

I was teaching dance at Point Park University when one of my colleagues told me, “我有一份非常适合你的工作!” And it happened to be the dance teacher position at Ellis. 起初, 我不确定,但当我参观了校园, 教舞蹈课, 看到三个部门的办公室里都有蛋糕, 我被出卖了. 我就想,这是什么地方?!” Eventually, my position as a dance teacher and choreographer morphed into my role today. My time at Ellis has been the perfect model of not only what the school offers students, but teachers—a true blend of artistic and intellectual endeavor.  

我一生都热爱艺术. I did my first choreography to “Leaving on a Jet Plane” for my parents which involved a long green scarf I had found in my closet. 九岁的时候,我喜欢上了舞蹈,主要是跳芭蕾. 在大学期间, I was in an experimental modern dance company which proved to be a watershed moment for me as a young choreographer. That’s when I realized I wanted to explore not only my creative side but my intellectual side. So I came to Pittsburgh and began working in children’s theater while taking some classes at the University of Pittsburgh and teaching dance in a variety of small studios.

You revamped the Art History curriculum at Ellis and it is one of the cornerstones of the 上学校 experience. How do you bring together your dance background with art history?
The way I look at it, art history and dance aren’t that different. Every class has a purpose and every class is about giving students specific skills. 艺术, 在一般情况下, 是关于构思的吗, 得到反馈, 强迫自己找到创造性的解决方案. This idea is a hallmark in my classroom and I'm constantly telling my students how critical it is to practice. The notion of rehearsal can seem specific to performing arts, but I think it’s a fundamental component of what we teach at Ellis. 为了学习, 学生们需要通过练习来培养毅力, 弹性, and a creative mindset that they can then apply to everything they do.

Did you ever have a teacher who had a particularly strong influence on your life?
Yes, Rhoda Halperin who was a professor of mine at the University of Cincinnati. She embraced me as a research assistant and offered me different opportunities in research, 写作, 以及对我影响巨大的作者身份. She was constantly speaking her mind and asking for feedback which was a gift for me. I spent time at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of 技术) with her while she was a visiting professor and that really showed me the broader side of academics—it was a life-changing experience.

If you could interview anyone living or dead, who would it be and why?
我不得不说是艺术家马塞尔·杜尚. Duchamp was a towering figure in early modern art who questioned just about everything. 我认为他可能不是一个伟大的人, 但对我来说, 他是21世纪最有影响力的艺术家. 没有马塞尔·杜尚就没有安迪·沃霍尔. 他的作品在很多方面都让我难以理解. I joke with my students about his painting called “The Large Glass,” I have many many books about it and yet no explanation for it. And I think that’s what I really like about it, I constantly think about that artwork.

有爱心的. 对自己和他人要求很高. 寻找乐趣. 抱歉,那不是三个词...

What do you believe are the advantages to an all-girls classroom?
When I think about our school community, I think about the fact that it is ALL girls. 澳门新葡新京官方有各种各样的女孩. 当一个女孩走进这种环境, she is struck immediately with the diversity of not just outward appearance, 但方法, 个性, 气质——你能想到的各种变量. We have girls all over the spectrum that stretches across the continuum in every way. 在艾利斯, 女孩们面临着成为独立个体的挑战, 欣赏他们的礼物, 作为女人,互相学习.

What have you learned about leadership and mentoring from your time at Ellis?
I have learned that you have to meet people where they are and encourage them in their gifts. I always say at Ellis you can do anything you want as long as you do it. 如果你想做点什么,这取决于你自己. 你想这么做吗? 去吧! 把你的想法付诸行动,看看会发生什么. 我们会全力支持你.

萨拉·弗雷泽·澳门新葡新京官方,学院的创始人. The fact that she thought that all-girls education was crucial 100 years ago and built Ellis because of it is really powerful. I’m here today because of her and her belief in this institution.

床垫工厂. 匹兹堡是一个伟大的艺术城市. Only in Pittsburgh can you open up the newspaper and see an article about sports and an article about art on the front page.

的人. 澳门新葡新京官方给我的自由. 挑战是.

如何表达他们的想法. 我认为女孩被教导要被动, 我当然不会教他们变得好斗, I teach them to respond and have confidence in the integrity of their own ideas. 在艾利斯, we work really hard to make sure our students are prepared to talk about complicated subjects and make important statements, 我真的很喜欢看到这一切发生.
