Kitty COOK ’89, Vice President of Strategic Insight

担任一家提供全方位服务的市场研究公司的战略洞察副总裁, Kitty COOK ’89 designs, manages, 并为各种客户和各大品牌执行定制研究项目. 从参与前总统奥巴马2008年的总统竞选,到与哈莱姆篮球队合作, Kitty一直致力于为客户简化和改进流程和生产力. Celebrating her 30th reunion this year, Kitty shares more about her post-graduation path, her career, and her time at Ellis.
Years at Ellis:Grade 9 to Grade 12 
Vice President of Strategic Insight at Issues & Answers Network, Inc.
B.A. Anthropology, Bucknell University
Location:Norfolk, VA

How did you become involved in your line of work? 
我一直很喜欢数学,但对社会科学也很感兴趣. 我的人类学学位为我打开了一个全新的世界. 我想试着找到一种方法来塑造我的优势和兴趣, 所以我去见了一位职业顾问,她建议我去做市场调查. 我向匹兹堡的每一家市场调查公司投去了简历,为克拉克找到了第一份工作 & 这是我25年职业生涯的开始. 

How has your career changed over time? 
My industry has changed drastically since I first began. 技术对市场调查行业既有帮助,也有阻碍. 我喜欢纯科学的数据收集方法,在手机、电子邮件和垃圾邮件拦截器出现之前,人们可以这样做, etc. 现在,我不得不成长并接受非科学的数据收集和分析方法.  

作为一名管理者、领导者和母亲,我喜欢在团队的职业成长中发挥积极作用.  在你的职业生涯中,你不会只做一份工作或只在一个地方工作. I always want my team to stay forever, 但我也想确保他们每天都在学习,培养技能,让他们在未来的工作中走得更远. 我认为对每个团队成员进行个人投资并支持他们的职业发展是很重要的.

我有机会为两次总统竞选工作,并与100多名从市长到州长的公职候选人一起工作. 2008年为奥巴马竞选工作是我职业生涯中最具挑战性和最迷人的经历之一. 最初的民意测验专家把国家分成十个部分,每个顾问负责五个州. 我所在的团队有三个州显然没有争议,还有两个州非常不为人知. 我们在这两个州进行了连续10周的每周民意调查. It was late nights and long hours. 确保准确地遵循方法,并根据所有标准和法律提出每个问题. When election night rolled around, 我在等待所有的结果,看着每个州的投票结果,看着形势从奥巴马的胜利转向麦凯恩的胜利. But I knew my results were accurate, 我知道,当他们宣布我与之关系密切的州时,奥巴马将会获胜. As a consultant, I don’t take sides. I don’t discuss my own politics. 但当你参与到一个活动中,你的数据与现场结果相匹配时,这是非常令人兴奋的.

What do you love most about your job?
Variety. I never know what my next project is going to be. 我从事的项目从产品标签到电视澳门官方老葡京收视率研究. My clients have included major brands like GM, the Harlem Globetrotters, Merck, Allstate Insurance, and the World Wildlife Fund. 我有机会与小城镇一起工作,在社区发展和国外主要的妇女权利问题上.

What lessons has your work life taught you?
Your work or career must be something that you enjoy. 你花在工作上的时间比和家人在一起的时间还多. What you do for work has to feed you and build you up. 如果你没有从工作生活中获得满足感,那么是时候换工作了.

I feel empowered when I use my voice for good. Words are powerful. Everything you say can impact someone else. Make sure that impact is positive. 我认为成为其他女性的榜样很重要. It's also important to always learn from other women. 我总是向我的女儿和她的朋友学习. 年轻一代的世界观比我们这代人强大得多. 至关重要的是,我们要继续朝着这个澳门新葡新京官方发展,并确保我们这一代人中没有人会放慢这一进程.

对于读这篇文章的澳门新葡新京官方的学生:你有什么智慧想要传递给他们吗? What would you want them to know?
Do what feels best to you. Don’t let anyone tell you what is right or wrong. 只有你知道自己真正的潜力,知道什么能给你带来纯粹的幸福. Follow your dreams and no one else’s dream for you.  

I learned a lot about the person, co-worker, 从我在澳门新葡新京官方的经历来看,我想成为一个好父母. How to be strong and fierce and respected. 如何确保我的声音以积极的方式被听到.

我们经常谈论女孩们在澳门新葡新京官方发展她们的声音,这对你来说意味着什么? How do you use your voice?
You can wear your style. Your mannerisms can show your attitude. But, your voice is your power. 语言展示了你的智慧,你的幽默感,你的心和同情心. Every time you speak it should be thoughtful. 你的朋友圈、家人和同龄人都在倾听你. Make sure you make it count.

Equally important is listening skills.  When someone is talking, you should be listening. 不要把你的“倾听”时间花在思考你要怎么回答上. You can only learn by active listening. 

How do you spend your free time?
Free time or unscheduled time is important. I spend my free time by the water. 我很幸运住在切萨皮克湾和大西洋边. I enjoy the peace of the beach. Fishing, swimming, walking along the shore. 你需要时间进行自我反思,而水是如此强大的能量和力量的源泉.